Writing Rules

  1. The articles in our journal should consist of article title, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, results and references. The title should reflect the content of the article concisely and attractively. The abstract should summarize the main idea and results of the research and should not exceed 300 words. Keywords should indicate the most important words related to the content of the article and should be between 3-5 words. The introduction should explain the subject and importance of the article and should attract the attention of the readers. The method section should describe the research and its results in detail. The conclusion section should present the results of the research and its brief evaluation. The references section should indicate all the sources cited in the article.
  2. All articles should be prepared using Times New Roman 11 point font. The texts should be written with single line spacing.
  3. The following link should be selected for the sample article template file. Template File
  4. Authors are responsible for any copyright infringement of their articles and in this case they accept all possible legal liability. Authors must sign the copyright form and upload it to the system during article upload in PDF format.
  5. Only original and unpublished research is accepted to the journal. The plagiarism rate should not exceed 20%. The plagiarism result report must be uploaded to the system together with the article.
  6. References should be cited in APA (American Psychological Association) style.
  7. Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word document format.