About the Journal



The International Journal of New Horizons in Sciences (JIHSCI) is designed to share the latest research and discoveries, pioneering ideas and innovations in the field of sciences. Our journal provides a platform for academics, researchers and experts working in the field of sciences. We offer our target audience the opportunity to follow the latest developments and the most important issues in their fields.

International Journal of New Horizons in Sciences (JIHSCI) is an international refereed electronic journal. It started its publication life in 2023. It is published 2 times a year, in June, December. Additionally, special issues for congresses containing a sufficient number of articles can be published. JIHSCI journal publishes articles from different fields of science, including English and Turkish. Every article published in this journal incorporates pioneering ideas and innovations, drawing on the latest discoveries and research in the field of sciences.

Our editorial staff and editorial board are experts and leading names in their fields. Articles are strictly examined by the board members by checking their accuracy and quality.

The International Journal of New Horizons in Sciences (JIHSCI) aims to present the latest developments and important issues in the field of sciences to our readers. Embark on this journey with us and discover new horizons in the sciences.

Issn Number : 2980-3837